Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jual Alat TDS ( Total Dissolved Solid ) Meter Yogyakarta

Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur TDS ( Total Dissolved Solid / zat padat terlarut ) dalam air. TDS meter menggambarkan jumlah zat terlarut dalam Part Per Million (PPM) atau sama dengan milligram per Liter (mg/L). Umumnya berdasarkan definisi diatas seharusnya zat yang terlarut dalam air (larutan) harus dapat melewati saringan yang berdiameter 2 micrometer (2×10-6 meter). Aplikasi yang umum digunakan adalah untuk mengukur kualitas cairan biasanya untuk pengairan, pemeliharaan aquarium, kolam renang, proses kimia, pembuatan air mineral, dll. Setidaknya, kita dapat mengetahui air minum mana yang baik dikonsumsi tubuh, ataupun air murni untuk keperluan kimia (misalnya pembuatan kosmetika, obat-obatan, makanan, dll)

Rp. 250.000

Untuk Pemesanan Silahkan Hubungi :

AB Group Yogyakarta
Jl. Kesumanegara Miliran UH 2 / 86
Yogyakarta - 55 165

Phone : ( 0274 ) 6635 098
Email :
Web   :

Peluang Usaha Air Minum Kesehatan Vortex, Record Of Muri, Halal, Barokah dan Terbukti

Pada awalnya saya hanya mencari peluang usaha yang bagus untuk kehidupan kedepannya, ada beberapa penawaran yang di tawarkan oleh teman serta beberapa situs yang menawarkan keuntungan luar biasa bahkan dalam waktu singkat, yang gilanya lagi hanya duduk saja bisa menghasilkan uang yang begitu banyak dan berlipat- lipat ganda, " Apa Mungkin ?" ( Pertanyaan Yang Ada Dalam Pemikiran Saya ").

Sebenarnya itu sah-sah saja, tergantung dari keyakinan seseorang melakoninya, tapi kalo  menurut saya "(  99 % Usaha atau Kita sebut dengan Kerja Keras & 1 % nya Pemikiran Yang bisa kita sebut Genius )". Sudah banyak yang menawarkan peluang usaha dengan cara mudah seperti :

Menanamkan Modal 150.000 - 12.000.000 juta rupiah dengan iming - iming keuntungan yang akan kita dapatkan hingga 3 X Lipat  / Perbulannya, luar biasa bukan !! siapa yang tidak tergiur dengan peluang usaha yang satu ini, yang hebatnya lagi, saya melihat orang berpendidikan tinggi bahkan bisa ikut terbujuk rayuan seperti ini, sangat disayangkan.

Hal seperti ini sudah tidak asing lagi sebenarnya, sudah banyak kejadian yang bisa kita jadikan pelajaran, beberapa media sudah melihatkan beberapa akibat dari peluang usaha yang satu ini, tapi kenapa masih ada aja yang terjebak ????.... ( Jawab aja sendiri )

Boleh saja mau kaya dengan cepat, tapi semua itu ada proses dan waktunya, perlu adanya doa dan kerja keras untuk memenuhi impian. Semuanya terpulang kepada anda semua bagaimana menanggapinya.

"Jika ada yang mengatakan usaha tanpa modal, rasanya tidak mungkin atau sangat tidak mungkin. menipu aja perlu modal apa lagi yang halal. "

Saya rasa cukup sekian sharing pengalamannya, kita lanjutkan ke peluang usaha yang sebenarnya, perkenalkan produk air kesehatan Vortex yang satu ini insya allah bermamfaat bagi kita semuanya, kenapa saya katakan demikian, karena peluang usaha air kesehatan vortex selain mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan  juga memberikan mamfaat yang luar biasa bagi kesehatan. contohnya membantu penyembuhan beberapa penyakit antara lain :

  1. Batu Ginjal
  2. Penyakit Saluran Kencing
  3. Kelebihan Asam Urat
  4. Rematik
  5. Gangguan Jantung
  6.  Radang Tenggorokan
  7. Ambean
  8. Sembelit
  9. Sakit Kepala
  10. Darah Tinggi
  11. Asthma
  12. Kencing Manis, Dll.
Dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh kita semua, membantu meringankan beban penyakit bagi penderita yang memerlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit untuk berobat. alangkah baiknya kita memberikan solusi terbaik kepada mereka yang penuh harapan untuk sembuh dari penyakitnya.

Untuk Informasi Menjadi Distributor, Agen Atau Reseller  Silahkan Hubungi :

AB Group Yogyakarta
Jl. Miliran UH 2 / 86 Yogyakarta
55165 - Indonesia
Phone : ( 0274 ) 6635 098
Email :
Website : Http://

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Air Minum Vortex : How Does Mineral Water That We Need

Some people have wrong ideas, that useful minerals from the water they drink. Yes, it is true we need minerals, but the source of minerals needed by our bodies comes from the food we eat. Not from the water we drink. Plants have the unique ability to convert inorganic minerals within the seep in the soil and water into organic forms that can be used by our bodies. Our bodies can utilize organic minerals contained in the water, even if it were, only a little. These minerals are only slightly contained in the water and also prevent water to function naturally.

According to experts in the field, there are several different types of water and some of which are very detrimental to certain things. types of water containing minerals, metals and inorganic substances that enter in our bodies, we can not always use. This type of water contains almost 80% of all diseases and germs. This water may contain more than 700 kinds of chemical substances that are not known, and can completely penetrate our immune system and begin to accumulate there. This means that the water that goes into our tbuh been contaminated, and that it will damage the body's natural cleansing system. As a further consequence arising masalh on melonjal high body temperature, because of the dirt that builds up in blood vessels, bones sndi, and organs in the body. Some health specialists believe that the onset of hardening of artery disease, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, ganguuan vision (glaucoma and cataract), reduced sense of hearing, diabetes, obesity, emphysema and other ailments in the number of larger scale and frequency that often since we live by consuming contaminated water.

Of the several types of water, such as rain, snow fluid, raw water, hard water, filtered water, soft water, water deonised, water vapor and distilled water (pure water), only distilled water (pure water) were completely free of any contamination. As a result, distilled water (pure water) tasteless, colorless, odorless, contains no bacteria, heavy metals, contains no chemical waste, and non-toxic.

Pure Water will take you into the system clean and healthy, it can be useful to soak and wash clean toxins in your body's immune system and also the toxins that have long been settled. There are hundreds of stories about the cases of people who have enjoyed success in mitigating or infrequent recurrence of health problems after they start drinking only distilled water (pure water).

The words of introduction was just a few reasons why I drink only water siuling (pure water). I am not an evolutionary, but I believe that humans have created and be able to adapt organically and it takes a relatively long time to be able to adapt and change their environment. During this period he has adapted to its environment, such as obtaining water from uncontaminated water, river water and shallow wells. water is relatively pure and contains only a moderate amount of pure natural substances. But circumstances have changed, since the start of the industrial revolution, our environment has been polluted by synthetic chemicals that numbered in the thousands. We are not able to adapt to these man-made chemicals. We know that some of them are toxic. Kta not know ditimbulakn effects of these toxins on our bodies, our children, even our descendants in the future ..!

Air Minum Vortex : What Is The Living Water That Is Needed By Our Body ?

At first all the water of life. Water is the lifeblood of the earth. Water has the energy of life itself, and if the water dies, our earth is also dead. Water has a tremendous role in nature, because water is the KEY to the survival of all that exists in nature, it stands to reason that water is a living organism and therefore should be treated as such. This means that just by filtering dirt, will NOT give life back to the dead water, but 'Mother Nature' teach to Viktor Schauberger (inventor of the technology vortex of Austria) how to revitalize the natural water in order to live again, ie with naturally flowing water in rivers vortex produces many (not just a single swirl), swirling and coiling with typical spiral motion, then the diamagnetic energy transformation with a rock or crystal, interact with each other in order to purify and energize the water.

One of the unique water is having the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. In this case also save memory harmful or beneficial vibration energy received in the past. This is the basis of homeopathy. Chlorinated water (including the addition of other chemicals in water treatment) to be polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy footprint memilikki. These waters do not have a bio-energy, so it can be considered as 'dead water'. Contaminated water can be filtered, distilled or treated by reverse osmosis, but still die unless then there is the energy to make it a 'living water' (living water). Contaminated water or death could contribute to the deterioration of our health, otherwise the 'water of life' (living water) is one of the greatest healers. In the water we can see not only the disease but also cure if we are willing to learn from Nature.

According to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig (German scientist, father of magnetic therapy on the basis of Schumann Resonance), which once exposed to water contaminated with pollutants or become 'dead water'. Sewage facilities are the most intensive and modern water treatment system once the water can not revive the dead. Further, Dr.. Wolfgang Ludwig said, simply living water that are useful for forms of life, which is completely different than just drinking water, which is free of germs or water in which contaminants have not exceeded the threshold. After purification water (carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, ozonation, UV radiation, etc.), chemical treatment, or even distillation, 'frequency electromagnetic pollutants' still exist in the 'memory of water' and can be transferred to the human body. These frequencies can be measured for each contaminant identified before and after conventional water treatment systems: the result is that although physical pollution can be eliminated, but their harmful frequencies still exist and can be damaging or detrimental to the health of every living organism. Not only the chemical compounds that affect the body when you drink the water, but also the frequency of undesirable effect. Only by restructuring the water we can erase the memory frequency of harmful pollutants that damage and restore biophoton abundance in water.

What about the Vortex Water?

Vortex Water is a 'living water' or 'water of life', because mlekul Vortex water is revitalized with vortex technology plus additional quantum technologies such as bio-energy at a frequency of 7.8 Hz (corresponding to the Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz), so the water is returned to the condition "Living Water" and also served to increase the "life energy" you.

Vortex Water produced from a revolutionary concept in water treatment by direct study of 'Mother Nature'. It performs far beyond any system of filtration, distillation, reverse osmosis system or water treatment system that ever existed. The concept was adopted from the way 'Mother Nature' generates its own energy in the water. One result is the ability to clean air and water for re restructured at the molecular level. Only by restructuring the water to remove the 'memory' that damage and restore its abundance biophoton. Thus, the water will be produced live (living water) and healthy again.

Air Minum Vortex : Why We Should Drink Pure Water ?

The human body needs water to help the process of metabolism, from the digestive tract, metabolic transport systems, waste disposal systems to the rest of the metabolic process. In this process only as a carrier of water and do not provide useful elements in the body, because all the essential elements needed by the body is full of food and not from the water.

The essential elements needed by the body for growth is organic, not inorganic. Unlike plants that require inorganic materials, not organic, because the plant has the ability to convert inorganic material to organic through the process of photosynthesis. Of photosynthesis of plants in the form of organic matter is utilized by humans for growth. Starting from this, we are increasingly clear that water is needed to help the body's metabolic process is not to be taken elements. Why is that? Because the water in the most natural inorganic mineral ingredient, not organic ..! Inorganic minerals can not be used by the human body, because the man can not photosynthesize! (If humans could photosynthesize, no need to eat vegetables or meat, drink enough liquid fertilizer or manure is healthy eating).

Is the water in nature there is no organic minerals? There .. only a very small amount. Below are a study in Taiwan on the mineral content in the water compared to organic food:

From the above results, it appears organic mineral content in the water is very limited and the numbers were very small. To meet the needs of organic minerals our body needs in a day the amount of hundreds of liters of water. If there was an easy way to meet the needs of organic minerals through food, why torture yourself by drinking hundreds or even thousands of liters of water per day??? So the conclusion: we return to the water main function, namely as a means of transportation to bring results and a waste product of human metabolism.

What happens when we drink water that is not pure?

Before going further, we must be clear in advance what it is pure water and impure water. Pure water is water that contains no substances or other elements, is really only consists of a molecule of water, which is H2O. Its composition ya just H2O, nothing else. Water containing compounds or elements other than H2O called impure water. Generally impure water containing inorganic compounds and we already know that inorganic minerals can not be utilized by the body, because it was immediately thrown out of the body. The problem before discharge out of the body, inorganic minerals is carried by the blood and through a wide range of vital body organs, like the heart and kidneys. In some organs were partially buried and inorganic minerals too long will cause interference with the organ, such as:
  • When buried in the kidneys, resulting in urinary stones and kidney stones.
  • When buried in the walls of blood vessels, can lead to cholesterol, calcification and blockage of blood vessels.
  • When buried in the bile will cause gallstones.
  • When buried in the eye cause cataracts.
  • When buried in the liver will continue to cirrhosis (liver cancer).
  • If buried in Pancreatic Beta will inhibit the production of insulin.
  • When buried in the body and surrounds the body's cells, it will inhibit the oxygen to react with the nutrients to the cells, which can cause cancer.
If we know the inorganic minerals are not useful to the body and in the end just thrown out of the body, why should we risk our vital organs by drinking water that is not pure???

If you love with your vital organs, make it a habit to drink pure water from NOW ..!

The water I drink is clean and clear, whether this includes pure water?

Not necessarily, because the water was in the form of inorganic dissolved solids material and can not be seen by the eye. To determine whether or not pure water we drink can be done with the aid of TDS or for a more thorough search using PWT (Pure Water Tester). Both of these tools work the same principle, which measures how much of the content of dissolved solids in the water. The greater the number shown this tool, the more solid ingredients soluble in water, meaning the water is not pure. Choose water measurements with TDS or PWT showed the smallest, because it is the purest water.

What about the Vortex Water?

Vortex Water produced by advanced process (2 phases) in pure water with high quality, so that the resulting pure water has a higher dissolved oxygen content, the smaller the size of water molecules (micro-clusters) and bioenergy increased. No doubt Vortex Water is the water of high quality healthcare with excellence:
  • Having the highest purity levels, so it is good to take care of the vital organs of your body.
  • Water Vortex will increase again bioenergy field and immune system. With the Vortex Water mimum you become stronger, more resilient to adverse external influences, such as environmental pollution, electromagnetic and geopathic stress.
  • High dissolved oxygen content, which helps to overcome interference with the body's cells and help the healing process.
  • The small size of water molecules (micro-clusters), making it easier to penetrate into the cells and helps blood circulation becomes more fluent. In the form of micro cluster, Vortex water is suitable for drinking medication or mix medications as drug carriers because the water will be easier and faster entry into the cell.
  • Having bioenergy increases, thus increasing the body's immunity and maintain your fitness.
  • Having biophoton content increased, so as to prevent the aging process and help cure various diseases.